Project Details

Project information

  • Category: Player controller(Unity)
  • Client: GrandFleet
  • Project date: 11 Oct, 2023

Third Person Character Controller(State Machine)

Tired of clunky character movement in your Unity game? This project is for you!
I will craft a fluid and responsive third-person controller powered by a modular state machine. Say goodbye to animation jitters and hello to seamless transitions between idling, walking, running, jumping, and more.
No more spaghetti code! my architecture is clean and adaptable, making adding new actions or tweaking existing ones a breeze. Plus, we'll utilize the New Input System for precise handling with keyboard, mouse, or gamepad.
The Animator component joins the party! We'll blend animations like a master chef, ensuring characters move as gracefully as they fight. Whether you're a gameplay guru or a programming padawan, this project lays the foundation for your game's movement mastery.